Topic Keyman 7, Vista 64, and Windows Mail

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# Keyman 7, Vista 64, and Windows Mail   2009-09-02 01:56:49.923
I just installed Keyman 7, updated online to 7.1, on a Vista 64 machine. I installed a keyboard called "Franglais", which allows me to type French characters using an English-US keyboard. I tested it out in Word and Outlook and it worked fine. However, it would not work at all in Windows Mail, the replacement for Outlook Express in Vista. Has anyone else had this problem with any other keyboards? Any idea how to solve this problem?

# RE: Keyman 7, Vista 64, and Windows Mail   2009-09-07 11:07:12.147

Keyman Desktop 7.1 currently works with all 32-bit applications on Vista 64. Most applications on Vista 64 are 32-bit (Microsoft Word, Notepad, OppenOffice, etc). We are still working toward support for 64-bit applications, like Windows Mail.

A current workaround suggestions for Windows Mail is that you send language-specific messages as document attachments, or use an online mail client.